Sunday, October 18, 2009


Early fall ( or maybe winter since we already had snow in Boston) heralds the arrival of pomegranates into our supermarkets. Fresh pomegranates are full of concentrated flavor, and their seeds give that extra crunch. Pomegranates are full of vitamin C, B5, potassium, and antioxidant rich polyphenols that are the subject of numerous ongoing studies about potential health benefits, such as decreasing proliferation of breast cancer cells, reducing heart disease risk factors, and lowering blood blood pressure. But taking apart a pomegranate can be messy and difficult. One trick I learned from my former roommate, Derek, in medical school is to score the outside of the pomegranate and then soak it in a bowl of water. The outside leathery skin soaks up some of the water and is much easier to break apart. I left mine to soak overnight and took it apart just now.

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